Leaving on a jet plane


Packing up the house, putting things in boxes

Wow, so many things have occured over the past week so so.

Moving is always such a large chore but when moving across the ocean, it is even more challenging.  Last week,  I packed up a few tubs of things I chose to keep but would not be moving with me–and put them in storage (a.k.a. the garage of a family member) and cleaned out the rest of what was in the house I was renting–yes, there were things left over even after the giant yard sale that was hosted last autumn.

My mother came over and helped me host one last hoorah of an indoor yard sale and everything had to go–and it did!!! Now, I am living out of 2 large suitcases–everything in which I am taking to Germany with me fits in those two suitcases–it is kind of scary and liberating at the same time.

I would not consider myself a person whom owned or collected a lot of things but when dumping and shedding the entire contents of your home to move, it is a lot!! Everything from my bed to music cds to pots and pans got sold on the last yard sale–even my coffee pot (and I am a caffeine junkie!!)

The few tubs (like what one would store christmas decorations in) hold photo albums and memorabilia, simple things that are worthless to others but are priceless to me, things I could not bear parting with or replace.  Thankfully, I won’t have to pay storage fees or fret about the quality of the safety of the storage as it is with family–blessings come in many forms.

This past week, I spent time with friends and family, which has been super lovely–and then I sold my pickup, my only mode of personal transportation (with no public transporation available.) Why?? Well, I could not pack it, I did not want to store it and some extra money to start my new life is a good idea, right? Rosie, my little red 1996 Ford Ranger, drove me all over the United States and we had many adventures together…

Friday evening, my family hosted a going away party for me, which is always fun. I am going to miss the sound of the laughter of family and friends…alas, there is a bit of sorrow in leaving as well.

Yesterday, I spent the day with family from near and far, for a sad occasion as we all gathered for a funeral–my grandmother passed and the services were held–a time of loss is never easy.

I hitched a ride to Denver with my sister, loading up my 2 suitcases and bookbag into her SUV, feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that has occured this week.

My best friends baby shower–she is expecting her first child in June–and life has come full circle and her adventures as a new mommy are soon to arrive–so much to do and we did it all.

My sister and brother will be taking me to the airport tomorrow morning…so with my ticket in hand and a repacked suitcase (with insistance from my best friend and siblings that I had not packed it correctly).

Thomas is awaiting for my arrival on the other end…here I go.