Expanding homemade meals-homemade Thai with help

Not too many people enjoy eating the same dishes over and over and over again-especially me. So what is a girl to do? I sought out some recipes to help expand my cooking skills and meal variety. Eating out gets expensive quickly and adds to my waste line far too fast (I swim for overall benefits but also to help trim down and be more curvy!)

I purchased a jar of Thai sauce, claiming to be good for dipping and cooking and found a recipe that could use it.


2 large chicken breasts, chopped and cooked in olive oil

1 medium sized onion, chunky chopped

2 dried red spicy peppers crushed up

1 small bag of frozen brocoli florets

2 Tablespoons of Thai Peanut sauace

1/4 cup slided almonds

salt and peppper

Cook the chicken in the oil, add all the other ingredients and let simmer for 20 minutes on medium low heat. Serve! Serves 3-4 people. So Yummy!

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